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Austune Commercial is Australia’s leading importer of commercial refrigeration products. Recognizing that Australia needed a better solution to its commercial refrigeration products we thoroughly researched the industry standards and Hospitality Industry demands and have found the solution to provide Australia with equipment that is environmentally responsible, built to withstand the harshest of Australian conditions, is attractive and increadibly functional. Your Austune purchase is backed by an Australia wide full parts and labour warranty which includes a unique maintenance service. With Industry experience spanning over 30 years our directors have left no stone unturned to deliver to the Australian Hospitality Industry a new world standard in Commercial Refrigeration. Designed to suit Restaurants, Hotels, National Chains and all food manufacturing facilities our Euro design appearance is smart and sleek and unique to the Industry. Internationally our products are recognized as the benchmark of engineering, functionality and reliability. At Austune Commercial our reputation is about quality, traditional personal service and innovation and providing our customers …a better solution. Providing a complete range of Commercial Refrigeration, Commerecial Freezers, Display Refrigeration, Preparation Refrigeration and Undercounter refrigeration Austune Commercial can assist with your next refrigeration purchase or rental enquiry. We are all about building long term relationships with our customers by providing long term solutions to their hospitality equipments needs.
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